How PlanStreet Grant Management Software Empowers Your Success
Manage everything regarding grants and private donations from contacts, budgeting, disbursing, and everything in between.
The reality for most non-profit organizations is that without the generous grants and donations, there is no way they can complete their mission. Though oftentimes, getting the initial grant is one of the easier parts.
To continue getting paramount resources, organizations need to make sure their funds are being disbursed and used, as well as keep in extensive contact with stakeholders.
Though arduous, these tasks are nearly impossible to avoid. This is why Planstreet wants to make it as simple as possible with our Grant Management Software.

Key Features of
Grant Management
Simple Grant Distribution
Easily disperse money frorm any specific grant to programs and activity down to a micro-level in order to keep a tight control of your organization budget. Moke sure none of your grants or private donations go to waste.
Unified Reporting of Grant Use
One click allows users to see the entire history of any singular grant. From how many times that grant has been tapped into. which progrom and octivity the grant was disbursed to. when it was disbursed. and more.
Easy-to-Access Contact Information
Easily access contact information for clients to communicate via email or SMS using the rapid search options.
Uncluttered Grant Assigning
Once a grant has been used completely. it will no longer show up in grant disbursement boxes alowing for more efficient distrnibution of funds.
One-Click PDF Excel Reports
Simple drag and drop dashboard Ul allows for easy filtering of data to organize and report to stakeholders. Easy exporting of dashboards to excel and pdf reports for planning of any email or SMS campaigns.
Intuitive Data Filtering
Grant organizations and donors want to know that their money is being used wisely in your mission. PlanStreet’s well structured, intuitive reports create the needed confidence.
PlanStreet is poised to streamline your fundraising efforts, facilitate communication with donors, and retain your donorbase.
Successfully execute your cases, reports and donations with PlanStreet and stay on top of every activity.
PlanStreet’s Grant Management Software ensures that you manage each case efficiently
Successfully execute your cases with PlanStreet and stay on top of every activity.
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