Learn just what beloved tools PlanStreet Software works in tandem with, and see just how it can fit like a glove

With the integration of Stripe’s payment software into Planstreet, users can make the most of Stripe’s advance API developer tools within Planstreet.

The most popular payment software used today, integration in Planstreet’s software allows for an easy payment system. Perform activities such as sending invoices, receiving payments, and no-hassle card transactions with ease to save valuable time and energy.

Need to receive payments other than electronically, square is the perfect answer for any organization and is now integrated into PlanStreet. Square is able to process payments through phone, in-person, or electronically as well.
Google Drive

You can now manage and organize your google drive from PlanStreet. You can perform all the activities like adding, deleting, or sharing files/folders with other resources from within the system
Google Calendar

PlanStreet's integration with Google Calendar will save your valuable time. You can now manage, review, and organize your day to day activities without having to leave your system.

With Gmail integration, you can automatically send out important reminders and reports through-out your organization. Save precious time instead of worrying whether your teammates know about that important meeting or not.
Google SSO and office 365 SSO

With both Google and office 365 SSO integration into Planstreet, you don’t need to worry about having your computer with you at all times to log in to Planstreet’s software. Now you can simply get on any computer and login with your Google or Office information.
Outlook Calendar

Integrate Outlook with PlanStreet to send and receive information about a project or task from the same application you use to actually perform tasks will save you valuable resource time.
Microsoft One Drive

Don’t worry about your computer memory crashing thanks to Microsoft One Drive integration into the software. TThe data used in Planstreet will be backed up with One Drive’s Cloud Servers to secure a peace of mind.
Microsoft Teams

You can manage projects, tasks, task statuses, and dashboards from within MS Teams. Integration with MS Teams helps you connect with your dispersed and remote team and also stay focused on PlanStreet.

Integrate Outlook with PlanStreet to send and receive information about a project or task from the same application you use to actually perform tasks will save you valuable resource time.

Organize, Manage, and Review your expenses, income, and other business financials in one place by integrating Planstreet with QuickBooks. Automatically convert emails into action items and updates to track and manage inside PlanStreet
Elation Health

PlanStreet has integrated with Elation Health for Client's information details. Whenever the client's information is updated on Elation Health System, it will also be updated on PlanStreent client's data.
MRI Housing software

The MRI Housing integration simplifies administrative tasks and keeps you up to date on the latest requirements in affordable housing regulations and compliance.
Spillman Records Management

With Spillman records management’s, PlanStreet now saves your time during initial data entry and ensures that information is accurate and up-to-date throughout the investigation and reporting processes.